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Textile Roofs 2024 in Berlin April 28-30

TEXTILE ROOFS - the 26th
April 2024, 28th - 30th
Berlin, Germany

The 26th edition of Textile Roofs will take place at the end of April next year. With consideration for guests arriving from abroad and all those who will also be visiting Techtextil in Frankfurt in April, we are starting on Sunday, April 28th. TR24 will therefore take place immediately after TechTextil, thereby avoiding Labor Day on May 1st as an event day.

Preparations are in full swing. We are currently clarifying the exact venue and putting together the program. This will be completed at the beginning of the new year and will then be sent to you for information. (Note: many more details of the venue and near-final list of speakers have been completed - see the above link).

This year we once again have a top-class list of speakers on offer. Contributions currently come from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, France, Turkey and the United States, Spain and Austria.

It has also been possible to register to take part since mid-November. We are offering participation at a significantly reduced price until March 30th, 2024.

Note (March 1 2024). The final program should now be available on the above website. Venue is "on the water".

 TR2024 Graphics