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News about the LSAA 2024 Conference and Design Awards


We are again working closely with Swinburne, University of Melbourne and RMIT on a two day event on 12-13 September 2024. The LSAA Homepage will contain the detailed information until after the event.

For the following links you may need to use your "Back" button to return here - the links may replace this page.

Our two Keynote Speaker profiles have been added - Rachaporn Choochuey,  Design Director, all(zone) and Alastair Richardson is a Director of COX. (March 21 2024)

Very Preliminary Program - (March 21 2024) Can be downloaded as a PDF HERE

Sponsorship Packages - now available for download from March 22, Applications Close April 26 2024

Conference Theme - expect to hear more about the impact of AI on teaching and design

General Information about the Design Awards - Gallery of 2022 Winners added (April 2). Start getting your entries together. Closing Date August 14 2024
Brief Introduction to the Inaugural Student Awards

Some Lightweight Structures in Melbourne - worth extending your stay in Melbourne?

Vibrant Melbourne and Conference Venue Images (more added April 4 2024)

Booking and Registration summary details - actual bookings is through Humanitix - from June 2024

Details yet to be added include:

  • Outline program of Sessions, Panels, Keynote Speakers, Papers or Project abstracts
  • Details of the Conference Venue and Transport to Swinburne
  • Accommodation - left to Attendees but some choices to be offered
  • Sponsor Package Details - Sent to Members See posted article (March 18 2024) 
