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Dr Peter Kneen - Lightweight Structures Pioneer

Peter Kneen is a retired structural engineer and academic. His first lightweight structure, in 1965, as an undergraduate at Melbourne University was the unique Aluminium MUMC Memorial Hut on Mt Feathertop. As a result of this he was invited to Canada where he completed post graduate studies in computer aided design of spaceframes – an example studied was the world’s largest Aluminium structure at Sao Paulo. He later returned to the University of New South Wales in 1972 and became involved as a specialist consultant for the design of numerous spaceframe and tensioned membrane structures in Australia and around the world - specifically the Melbourne Arts Centre Spire. He also pioneered the use of knitted shadecloth for hail protection in nurseries, car dealerships and to some extent domestic applications.

He is a founding member of the MSAA – now the LSAA – and since 2006 has acted as a part-time Executive Officer of the Lightweight Structures Association and maintains their website and coordinates the industry leading Design Awards.

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