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LSAA 2009 Awards Category 2 Entries

Category 2 Entries - Medium Structures

Eight entries were received in this category (250-1000sqm):

Hamilton Lake - Verandah Cafe
CityCentre Automated People Mover
Abilene Airport
Mildura Riverfront Performance Venue
Isa Royal Military College Grand Stand Shade
Point Boston Peninsular Club
Biofilter at Surry Hills Library
Sydney Aquarium Dugong's at Mermaid Lagoon

Entry: 2022 Category 2

Project: Hamilton Lake - Verandah Cafe

Entrant: Structurflex Ltd - Engineering Fabrication Installation

Location: Hamilton Lake Domain
Client: Hamilton City Council
Architect: 360 Architects
Struct. Eng.: Compusoft Engineering
Builder: Foster Construction
Fabricator: Structurflex

 LSAA09DA Cat2 2022 02

Entry: 2066 Category 2

Project: CityCentre Automated People Mover

Entrant: Tensys Engineers Pty Ltd

Location: Las Vegas, USA
Client: MGM CityCentre.
Architect: Gensler
Struct. Eng.: Bouquet Structural Engineers, USA
Specialist: Tensys Engineers
Others: Fabritec Structures, USA
Builder: Clark Thor Construction Group, USA
Fabricator: Atkins Fabrication (Australia) Pty Ltd

See article for further details CityCentre Automated People Mover

 LSAA DA 2009 2066 02

Entry: 2129 Category 2

Project: Abilene Airport

Entrant: Atkins Fabrication (Aust) Pty Ltd - Fabricator

Location: Abilene - Texas USA
Client: USA Shade & Fabric Structures Inc.
Fabricator: Atkins Fabrication (Australia) Pty Ltd

 LSAA09DA Cat2 2129 02

Entry: 2397 Category 2

Project: Mildura Riverfront Performance Venue

Entrant: Oasis Tension Structures (Australia) Pty Ltd - All (Turn-key contractor)

Location: Hugh King Boulevard - Mildura VIC
Client: City of Mildura Council
Architect: Jackson Architecture (Melbourne)
Struct. Eng.: Aurecon (Melbourne)
Specialist: Tensys Engineering (Australia) Pty Ltd
Others: A. Nobles & Sons (Australia) Pty Ltd
Builder: King Construction Pty Ltd
Fabricator: Atkins Fabrication (Australia) Pty Ltd

See article for further details Mildura Riverfront Performance Venue

 LSAA09DA Cat2 2397 03

Entry: 24558 Category 2

Project: Isa Royal Military College Grand Stand Shade

Entrant: Light Weight Structures Advisory Service - Engineering Fabrication Installation

Location: Isa Royal Military College - Kingdom of Bahrain
Client: Alasco Group & Al Alaa Shade Company
Struct. Eng.: Trevor Scott & Jeremy Hunter
Specialist: LTWSAS
Builder: Al Alaa Shade Company
Fabricator: Al Alaa Shade Company

 LSAA09DA Cat2 24558 01

Entry: 2813 Category 2

Project: Point Boston Peninsular Club

Entrant: MakMax Australia - Designer

Location: Port Lincoln South Australia
Client: Kym Clarke Constructions
Architect: John Diekman Architects
Struct. Eng.: MakMax Australia
Others: Cost Management Partners
Builder: Kym Clarke Constructions
Fabricator: MakMax Australia

 LSAA09DA Cat2 2813 00

Entry: 2889 Category 2

Project: Biofilter at Surry Hills Library

Entrant: Taylor Thomson Whitting - Designer

Location: Surry Hills NSW
Client: City of Sydney Council
Architect: Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp
Struct. Eng.: Taylor Thomson Whitting
Specialist: Mech Eng: Steenson Varming
Others: Austress
Builder: WBHO Probuild
Fabricator: Austress

 LSAA09DA Cat2 2889 03

Entry: 29047 Category 2

Project: Sydney Aquarium Dugong's at Mermaid Lagoon

Entrant: UFS Australasia Pty Ltd - Designer / Fabricator

Location: Sydney Aquarium - Darling Harbour Sydney
Client: Sydney Attractions Group
Struct. Eng.: Wade Consulting
Builder: Universal Fabric Structures / Ozrig
Fabricator: Fabric Shelter Systems

 LSAA09DA Cat2 29047 01