Geelong, Australia, 3 to 6 November 2015
ATC is one of the world-leading conferences in the textile and fibre field and takes place biannually at Asian countries in turn.
For more information visit their website: Asian Textile Conference
ATC are extremely fortunate to be able to bring together highly respected members of the global textile and fibre research community to enrich the knowledge exchange at this important conference. Keynote speakers for the 13th Asian Textile Conference include:
Interim Dean, College of Textiles
Cone Mills Professor of Textile Chemistry
Director, Forensic Sciences Institute
North Carolina State University, USA
Associate Professor of Fiber Science
Department of Fiber Science and Apparel Design
Cornell University, USA
Institute of Textiles and Clothing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Manager, Environmental Design Education Service
Dept. of Organic and Polymeric Materials
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Professor Ronald POSTLE
Emeritus Professor of Textile Physics
School of Chemistry
University of New South Wales, Australia
Dr Shaun SMITH
Research Group Leader for the Advanced Fibre Innovation Manufacturing Flagship
CSIRO, Australia
Brendan SWIFTE
Managing Director of Geofabrics, Australasia
Update- April 2016) Post Conference Details and Proceedings may be found at the TTNA website HERE