LSAA 2009 Design Awards Entry 1397 - Project Category Facades
Entrant: Oasis Tension Structures (Australia) Pty Ltd
Location: Monash University,Wellington Road - Clayton Vic
The PVC tensioned membrane vertical panels diagonally twist from the top of each bay to the bottom: each ribbon has a catenary edge, the corners are stressed to a series of intermediate horizontal steelwork stub columns with small threaded toggles. The aim of the structure is to provide weather protection, particularly the sun, from the glazed façade within, so that plenty of light is allowed into the core of the building but it is reflected light, not direct light.
Atmosphere Façade Park Beach Plaza
The system is composed of stacks of perforated aluminium panels supported on tensioned cables.
The panels provide shading to facades whilst still allowing for good light transmission.
Panels can be folded and perforation patterns and densities varied to produce different shading effects and images.
For optimum shading effects the upward facing surface is punched with a low porosity perforation pattern and the downward facing surface is punched with a high porosity perforation pattern.