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Cross disciplinary - Drs Leanne Zilka and Jenny Underwood

Cross disciplinary - Drs Leanne Zilka and Jenny Underwood


Dr Leanne Zilka and Dr Jenny Underwood have been pursuing alternative ways of making building elements that utilize fashion techniques and technologies. This research has utilized these techniques and technologies to develop light weight solutions for the use in buildings. Given the climate crisis and that cities are largely constructed, retrofitting has become a favourable way to treat existing stock as we pivot away from new buildings.

Developing light weight solutions that able attach to interior or exteriors of buildings while utilizing technologies such as flexible solar cells, plant supportive materials, environmental sensors, and water harvesting, can make existing building stock reduce their carbon footprint and give back to their local environment.

This presentation will discuss the techniques that have been explored to date and then speculate on how buildings can adapt using this new hybrid cross disciplinary approach.

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