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LSAA 2011 Symposium Sydney - Notice

Workshop 2011 - Design of Tension Shadecloth Shade Structures 

This workshop was held immediately prior to the 2011 Conference on Wednesday October 12 2011.
Location: Novotel Sydney Olympic Park
Engineers Australia Logo
Supported by Engineers Australia for CPD Credits

Tensioned membrane structures have become an important structural form for both large span roof structures as well as for smaller covered areas which also serve as an architectural statement. This seminar is an opportunity to learn about the basic structural design parameters, material selection, fabrication and erection techniques.


A particular focus of the seminar will be design factors, fabrication details, shade prediction and maintenance of smaller shade structures made from knitted porous shade-cloth with applications to providing shade to schools, playgrounds, car parking and storage, nurseries and domestic environments.  

Topics which will be presented

  • Brief history of tension membrane and shade cloth structures and modern architectural fabric materials
  • Understanding the engineering design process and the nature of structural supports, edge and attachment details
  • Fabrication, construction, installation and maintenance processes
  • Particular issues (fire, shade prediction, legal, costing, vandalism, access etc) pertaining to shade cloth structures.

Brisbane 2010 Speakers: A number of speakers drawn from LSAA and industry leaders with extensive experience in shade structures.

Speakers include:          Dr Peter Kneen FIEAust, EO-LSAA
Dr Kourosh Kayvani – Innovation Leader, Aurecon
Joseph Dean – Managing Director Wade Design Engineers
Peter Lim - Tensys Engineers
Bob Cahill - Hiroaka
Alan Stewart - Structureflex
Trevor Scott - Lightweight Structures Advisory Service 

A Certificate of Attendance and Seminar Proceedings will be available for attendees and should count towards the relevant CPD requirements. (6 hours)

2011 Program - DRAFT


Registration, Coffee & Networking with Sponsors


Welcome and Introduction (scope of Symposium etc)


Brief History of Tension Fabric and Shade Structures in Australia


Solid Fabric and Shade Cloth Materials including threads – Engineering and Other Properties


Engineering Design Factors and Importance of the Support Structures, panel edge and corner attachment details


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Examples in Practice highlighting Structural Issues


Buffet Lunch


Shading and Fabrication Issues


Two Software systems for Formfinding, patterning, shade prediction


Afternoon Tea break


Draft Design Guidelines and Commentary on Specific Factors for Shade Cloth structures in Australia


Summary and Closure