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Green School Pods, New Plymouth, NZ
Green School - New Plymouth, NZ

Green School - New Plymouth, NZ

Great things are happening when groups of people are brought together who have a common goal but originate from very diverse backgrounds and vocations.

In the case of the highly successful Green School project this very “happy” circumstance occurred.

The Green School-Team with the vision and the insight to provide a firm but flexible brief, which gave the Architects Team the opportunity to use un-inhibited design processes to create a truly remarkable design and Cleland Construction willing to take on such a complex design

Then add to this potent mix of talent and vision a Team which specializes in Tension Membrane Structures, Fabric Structures, along with Fabspan a talented tensile membrane Engineer and the “chemistry” will cause a reaction.

In this case the outcome of this reaction was the birth of a remarkable achievement, which reflects the brilliance of all the partners and the Teams who saw this project through, to completion.

Fabric Structures, being a very experienced Design and Build company, had also the added benefit of a young and vigorous “Computer Savvy” design team of which the members could work their way around the very demanding geometry of the design.

Contact Details : 

James Mizen – Managing Director 
Fabric Structures Limited
Phone: +64 275276452
Website: www.fabrictructures.co.nz

For more details see article