Project Entered in the LSAA 2009 Design Awards (42087)
Entrant: Aurecon - Sydney – Designer
Location: 405 Crown Street - Surry Hills NSW 2010 Client: Austress Freyssinet
Architect: FJMT Struct. Eng.: Aurecon - Facade Engineer
Concept Design: Taylor Thomson Whitting Builder: Austress Freyssinet / Probuild
Application: Library and neighbourhood centre with structural glass bio-filter atrium.
Design Brief
Performance based brief to be designed as structural glass system in accordance with codes and good building practice
Structural System
- Stacked glass ‘pyramids’ supported laterally from building. Glass fins resist lateral wind loads and setting blocks distribute vertical loads through the lower glass panels. Designed with fail-safe philosophy using redundant load paths during placement.
- Design performed by Finite Element Analysis.
- Heat strengthened laminated glass
- Stainless steel fabricated fittings
- Stainless steel support framing and glazing ‘crowns’
- Conventional glass fabrication with difficult tolerance and geometry to resolve
- Stainless steel castings (custom) due to size and geometry of elements required, for both glass supports and
crown elements - tight tolerances
Construction and Maintenance
Construction methodology was to stack the glass, beginning from the internal pane outward to the external facing glass, starting from the ground level. Placement of glazing began at the bio-filters end walls and continues into the centre of the structure. The stainless steel patches were installed for stability - whilst using scaffold to work upwards to the roof. The stainless crowns provided the final piece of structural stability to the glass. Maintenance and inspection at regular ¼ intervals to ensure patches are tight, glass positioned and cleaned properly.
Costs - approx $2.5M